[Salon] Kahanism Won. Israel Is Now Closing in on a Right-wing, Religious, Authoritarian Revolution - Haaretz Editorial - Haaretz.com

I could almost hear the roar of exultation going up last night from the . . . American Right, under the influence of its crypto-fascist (in my opinion) Kahanist Leader Yoram Hazony, and his National Conservative cadres of the same ilk (which to benighted, binary minds, will be taken to mean that I must therefore “love” all their would be, “left-wing” opponents: wrong).

But this Le Monde article properly places Hazony as a Kahanist, even though for political purposes he had to "renounce violence,” though not of Israeli Settler and IDF violence upon Palestinians, as his “silence” as a Settler himself speaks louder than words: 

"The thinker who influences Netanyahu, Orbán and Trump

"Israel in the grip of hardline religious nationalism

"Influential rightwing ideologue Yoram Hazony believes in the supremacy of Jewish values. That precept has now been enshrined in Israeli law."

Now that’’s exactly why these Conservative folks love him so much! 

As do these fanatics: https://isi.org/events/rediscovering-conservatism/,
sharing in TAC’s adulation for the crypto-fascist, which by all the evidence available to me, represents “Conservatism” as a whole. And actually has since its founding by extreme-militaristic CIA officers who were even unhappy with the “soft” tactics” they criticized the CIA for, as I’ve seldom heard a “Conservative” suggest even mild criticism of Kahanism/Trumpism since Trump entered political life in 2015 as the secular, non-Jewish, Kahanist. 

And made good on his promises with all he and all the Conservative groups did for the Israeli Radical Right, using a euphemism for them. But today, it's time to put aside all the euphemisms, to include “Crypto,” and call them by their “true name:” fascist. As I’ve read one person here sign off on articles, who will predictably disagree with me, taking the “other side” on this matter; "let the discussion begin.” But let’s make it an “informed one” for a change (oh my, how novel!), which these files are a start to. 

Attachment: 1-Toward a General Theory of Fascism.pdf
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Attachment: 4-Fascism and the French Revolution.pdf
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Attachment: Introduction.pdf
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And I’m going to “respectfully” disagree with Daniel Pipes’ adulation of Hazony as well, though one learns a lot through “network analysis, with the “network” here, if one wants to draw a diagram as with COIN network analysis, runs from/through Hazony, Likud, the Republican Party, National Conservatives, and all others mentioned here. 
And understand, none of these fanatics are actual “students of history” as a Bill Polk was. They’re simply right-wing fanatics reinterpreting history for their own right-wing revolutionary political project. With the beloved Hazony exemplifying that. In Israel, and in the US.  

Kahanism Won. Israel Is Now Closing in on a Right-wing, Religious, Authoritarian Revolution

Editorial |

Merchandise on sale in 2016 bearing the face of Rabbi Meir Kahane and the words "Kahane was right."

Merchandise on sale in 2016 bearing the face of Rabbi Meir Kahane and the words "Kahane was right."Credit: Lior Mizrahi

We need to wait for the final results in order to know the ultimate split between the blocs, but based on the exit polls published by Israel’s three main TV news stations on Tuesday evening, it’s already clear that the big winner in the country’s 25th Knesset elections is the chairman of Otzma Yehudit, Itamar Ben Gvir, and that the big loser is Israel.

Religious Zionism, the Knesset list that distorted the Zionist project and transformed it from the national home of the Jewish people into a project of conservative, right-wing, racist, religious Jewish supremacism in the spirit of Ben Gvir’s teacher and rabbi, Meir Kahane, is now the third largest political force in Israel. That is the true, chilling significance of the election held on Tuesday.

While political forces on the left, the center and the right joined forces to fight against MK Benjamin Netanyahu, a more dangerous threat came into being.

“‘This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it,’” tweeted the chairman of the Religious Zionism party, MK Bezalel Smotrich. “Today, Religious Zionism makes history with the greatest achievement for a national religious party since the establishment of the state,” he added. His joy should rattle the calm of every Israeli.

Although as noted, it is still too early to tell how the political blocs will form, as of this writing, Netanyahu might return to government. His apparent coalition will allow him to carry out his plot against Israeli democracy, including a fatal blow against the justice system.

Moreover, that coalition might demand this of him. In such a revolution, a number of destructive steps might be taken.

Here are some examples: Fire the attorney general; split the role of attorney general; legislate an override clause that will allow the Knesset to legislate whatever it wants to – even laws that are unconstitutional; allow the Knesset to select Supreme Court justices; restrict freedom of _expression_; and persecute journalists, Arabs, leftists and members of the LGBTQ community.

We have to hope that the appearance of the blocs will change when all the votes are counted, and that Netanyahu will not be able to form a nightmare coalition, which hinges on the votes of the Kahanists.

Israel is now on the verge of a right-wing, religious, authoritarian revolution, whose goal is to decimate the democratic infrastructure on which the country was built. This may be a black day in Israel’s history.

The above article is Haaretz’s lead editorial, as published in the Hebrew and English newspapers in Israel.


Peter Cohen


In Israel the 'far right' is in power since 1948.At least if you recognise that 'far right' in Europe is defined as leaning towards extreme nationalism and race based supremacy. What nowadays in Israel is seen as 'far right' is what in Europe would be defined as straight fascism. Far beyond far right.


Jim Resurrection of the 3 tolls Bill?


!. A law forbidding the "abomination of assimilation and communion with goyim" (in this case Arabs) 2. a mandatory prison sentence for any Arab who had sexual relations with a Jewish girl or woman 3. a law restricting U.N. forces from engaging in any type of relations with the Jewish population. In addition Kahane later said he would strip ALL Israeli Arabs of their citizenship and work toward expelling any who refused to relinquish it. Will Article 7A making KACH illegal and stop it this time? These laws were too much even for Yitzhak Shamir/ Likud in1981. Is anything too much in Jim Crow Israel now?




This election is a black day in the History of Zionism and Israel. For decades Israel was dominated by democratic parties and settled a liberal democracy despite its neighborhood of dictatorships and a state of war which is always and everywhere pushing against democracy. It was like a miracle. Now the black day is here and could change the whole future of Zionism and the State. Extremism and fanatism are on the horizon. Which means democracy is in real danger, and on the middle term the State is liable to weaken and end too. Because authocracy weakens a country, people leave and don't fight for a State which doesn't respect them. Black day.

Lionel Krause


Real democracy has been absent for ages. Now that fascism has fully unmasked itself, the quietly complicit are embarassed.


Shimon Z. Klein


The movement towards the extreme racist right as the results come pouring in is a tragedy for Israel. Kahanism is fascism, homophobia and racism at its lowest depths. As a result of their investigation, police recommended indictments against Netanyahu. Additionally, on 21 November 2019, Netanyahu was officially indicted for breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud. As a result of the indictment, Netanyahu is legally required to relinquish his ministry portfolios other than prime minister. As a result of their investigation, police recommended indictments against Netanyahu. Additionally, on 21 November 2019, Netanyahu was officially indicted for breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud. As a result of the indictment, Netanyahu is legally required to relinquish his ministry portfolios other than prime minister. We should hand our heads in shame and disgust.


“laws that are unconstitutional”


have the constitution first, what a sad joke




For Haaretz , democracy is only when his candidate win ..


Lacanian analyst


What a drama. Lots of drama generally don’t contribute to know the forces and the real at stake in crisis times. The style of this editorial doesn’t give any light on what is at the center or at the margins. You can cry to the sky and the cruel destiny. Nothing useful for future action will surge from that. Creating a consistent Other, capable of all the evils, is not good journalism neither.


08:40Lacanian analyst

Would you write that about an editorial against Nazis? Just curious.




No one "will be persecuted" and "the democratic infrastructure will" not "be decimated".

The lawlessness of tolerated land confiscation and of unelected officials making up laws and not respecting Israeli sovereignty begged for an about-face.



Bizarre alternative facts, that is falsehoods, by Pini.



You are invited to start reading.



Not a clue what you are on about.Most of the corruption is Jewish..see Deeri Bibi etc.Kahanism is the worst of the worst.Indeed black days on the horizon

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